Should You Outsource Your ABA Therapy Billing?

ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) therapy is one of the most successful treatment methods for patients with behavioral or developmental concerns. It teaches individuals with such concerns key functional and independent living skills. However, this data-driven practice can be rather time-consuming, as treatment strategies may need to be modified according to the patient’s needs. It is understandably harder to pay full attention to your patient if you are busy dealing with coding and medical billing. Therefore, you may find it beneficial to outsource ABA therapy billing instead.

Improved Focus On Patients

The main aim of ABA therapy is to provide the patient with the proper help they need. Although most ABA therapists will have some semblance of knowledge of medical coding and billing practices, they may not be familiar with the multitude of insurance providers, public health institutions, and payer programs that each have their individual processes. By handing your ABA therapy’s medical billing to a third party, you can relieve yourself and your staff of this complicated workload and focus on treating patients instead.

Maintaining Accurate Records

ABA therapy relies heavily on the data-driven philosophy that guides the practice. This means that the method requires records to be as tracked as accurately as possible as it would determine the direction of therapy plans. A third-party service like KR Billing Solutions will simplify this process by maintaining the accuracy of your patient’s records, which may be important for tracking long-term progress and demonstrating the effectiveness of specific treatment methods to insurance payers.

Increased Prior Authorizations Approvals

Most insurance providers and public health institutions need to approve a proposed therapy as a “Medical Necessity” before they can cover it. If prior authorization is not granted, the patient may risk having to pay the full cost of treatment. Medical coding and billing experts come in here to help ensure this approval is requested and attained.

Reduced Risk of Claim Rejections and Denials

Medical coding errors and inaccurate or incomplete information often lead to claim rejections and claim denials. A failure to obtain prior authorization can also affect your claims submissions. Therefore, it is important to spot these errors and amend your submission before sending them off to the payer institution to reduce the risk of your claim getting rejected or denied. You may want to consider a third party such as KR Billing Solutions who can help you scrub and submit your claims.

Organize Your Intake Process

Before you can start treatment on a patient, there are many things to check during the onboarding process. Patient information has to be collected and conveyed clearly to insurance providers and public health institutions. Enlisting help from experts can help to collect all the vital information such as demographics and liaise with all the relevant parties. They can also help to justify the necessity of a particular therapy plan.

KR Billing Solutions

Third-party services such as KR Billing Solutions help make the process of collecting data from your patients and communicating them effectively to insurance companies much easier. This means that you can use the time that will otherwise be spent on working out claims submissions and billing to focus on your patient’s treatment instead.